Your crypto checking account

Fern is the easiest way to onramp, offramp, and make crypto to fiat payments. For global citizens and teams.
Get started

Fern is for everyone.

Whether you’re a freelancer, agency, hackathon squad, DAO, or startup, Fern is for you.
Trusted By
Simple, free onramps and offramps
Fern's onramps and offramps are the best in the game. Free, limitless, and available to anyone around the world.
Crypto to fiat payments
Make a payment in USDC. Your recipient receives USD.

Create rules to automatically offramp incoming crypto payments to your preferred bank account.
Supported currencies
Multisig, multichain wallets
Fern wallets are multi-chain Gnosis Safes with the same address across all supported chains.
Coming soon
Automated bridging
With Fern, your USDC is chain-agnostic. Receive USDC on any chain, and send it on any other chain. No manual bridging required.
Compliance and reporting
Fern automatically captures cost basis for your crypto transactions so you don't have to.
Gas subsidies
Make on-chain transactions. No gas fees.
Automated bridging
With Fern, your USDC is chain-agnostic. Receive USDC on any chain, and send it on any other chain. No manual bridging required.
Compliance and reporting
Fern automatically captures cost basis for your crypto transactions so you don't have to.
Gas subsidies
Make on-chain transactions. No gas fees.
Coming soon

Upcoming improvements to Fern's on-chain and off-chain financial experience

Additional asset and chain support
Self-custody wallets. Your keys, your crypto.
Teammates and transaction policies
Cards to spend your crypto in local fiat currencies
...and much much more

Fern gives you total freedom, ownership, and autonomy over your money

As veterans of the web3 space (7 years and counting), we have long been believers in the potential of web3 to unlock global freedoms.

We believe that crypto can help billions of people achieve and sustain lasting financial freedom. However, the tools that exist today have a long way to go to make cryptocurrencies and the digital asset economy accessible.

We are building Fern to develop bridges between fiat and crypto, and to be a gateway for the wealth of opportunity in web3.

Crypto can change our collective financial future. But we need better tools to realize that potential. We’re excited to be innovating in this space, and grateful that you’re on this journey with us.


Managing your crypto has never been easier.

Get started
Step 01
Create an account
We’ll ask you a few questions to customize your Fern experience.
Step 02
Verify your account
Gain access to Fern’s on/offramps and more.
Step 03
Pass go
Start using Fern for your crypto and fiat payments.

With Fern, you join an ecosystem.

We partner with organizations who share our beliefs that you deserve freedom and ownership over your money and work. When you sign up for Fern, you gain access to exclusive benefits from our partners that empower you to do your best work.
View partners
partner logos

Fern is built by industry veterans and backed by the best of web3.
